Shakeout Endowment

We provide encouragement, inspiration, and support to athletes.

The Shakeout Endowment

Introducing the Shakeout Endowment, where diversity, equity, & inclusion are not just values but the very foundation of our mission.

Our Aim is Clear:

To equip athletes with the tools & resources they need for personal & professional growth as they transition into life beyond sports.
Shakeout is dedicated to empowering current & former athletes through education, connection & opportunity.

H B C U Historically Black Colleges & Universities

At the heart of The Shakeout Endowment lies a multimillion-dollar commitment, earmarked specifically to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Our endowment fuels scholarships for HBCU athletes and a revolutionary loan forgiveness program designed to alleviate the burden of student debt among former athletes at both HBCUs and PWIs. By removing financial barriers, we empower athletes to pursue their passions and careers with renewed vigor and determination.

Our Dedication To Athletes Extends Beyond Financial Assistance.

Through our commitment, we pledge to annually award scholarships, connect scholarship recipients with mentors from our partnering companies, and host the prestigious Minority Athlete Scholarship Gala. Through these initiatives, we strive to redefine the narrative surrounding Black athletes attending HBCUs, fostering a culture of opportunity, empowerment, and excellence.
We recognize the challenges faced by HBCU athletic departments, from financial constraints to the struggle to attract top-tier talent.
The Shakeout Endowment seeks to address these disparities head-on, advocating for change and investment in HBCU athletic programs.
We believe that every athlete, regardless of their background or financial circumstances, deserves the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

While athletic scholarships serve as a lifeline for many students-athletes, they often fall short of covering the full cost of college. The Shakeout Endowment acknowledges this reality and stands as a beacon of support for all athletes grappling with student loan debt.

By championing equity & opportunity, we strive to create a level playing field where all athletes can pursue their dreams without the weight of financial insecurity holding them back.
Partnering with Bank of America and Merrill Lynch, The Shakeout Endowment is not just a vision but a reality. Together, we are opening doors and breaking down barriers, ensuring that athletes have the support and resources they need to succeed both on and off the field.

Join us in our mission

Redefining the Future of Athletics

One Scholarship, One Athlete, and One opportunity at a time. Together, We can build a brighter, more inclusive future for athletes everywhere.